Daddy was standing without his cane by the mailbox at the road below the hill in front of their country home. He had ridden in the golf cart with his bob tailed terrier to get the mail. The dog had been a skinny mistreated animal until he was picked up by the environmental services supervisor at my work and brought in to see if anyone might want him. I had immediately thought of daddy who had lost his old pet recently. The little dog's name was originally Jackson, shortened to Jack by daddy and later renamed "Baby". Jackson is now a happy fat "Baby" who travels through wooded farm trails with daddy in the golf cart and frequently keeps him company until one of the family can get the golf cart off a fallen log. Baby also gives daddy numerous opportunities to fall face forward while daddy bends to pick up litter scattered all over the yard. If Baby cannot locate anything to chew on, he has been known to visit my house and borrow my husband's boot from the porch to drag back as a present to daddy. Baby has chewed up my granddaughter's cat's toys and eaten her dog's food. Shouldn't we all contribute something to keeping daddy's baby fat and happy? There is always the possibility that if daddy forgets his cane or walker and falls again, Baby will cushion his fall.