Thorns sharp and piercing.
Pulling and pushing, we cross the thorny hedge.
Enticing and inviting; The sweet of the unknown.
Bleeding, we suffer the consequences;
Harmful death to our soul.
Thorns , the needed protection;
Serves to warn us not to cross the hedge.
Guarding us from harm;
The thorns prick our awareness.
Watch cautiously. There is another path!
Inspired by "The Hedge of Thorns", dating back to 1611 is
one of the oldest tales in the "Lamplighter" collection.
A hymn of deliverance written by William A Ogden, 1841-1897
" Tis the grandest theme thro' the ages rung;
Tis the grandest theme for a mortal tongue;
Tis the grandest theme the world ever sung.
Our God is able to deliver thee."