Even in the shade the Louisiana temperature blazed above 100 degrees and the slightest breeze felt like a heater. At 3 PM as I picked up my keys to leave work,
my cell phone flashed a call from mamma. Since she is terminally ill, I
answered immediately. She told me it was 84 degrees in their house and the air
conditioner had broken earlier in the day. I told her to go into the bedroom
where the window unit could cool her and daddy and that I would be home as soon
as possible. I called my husband to meet me at my parent’s house and called the
air conditioner repair service. I reached their house in 12 minutes to find
mamma sitting in the bedroom under the ceiling fan, drenched with perspiration,
very pale and laboring to breath. Even though daddy was in the room with the
air conditioner, he seemed dazed and his skin was clammy and pale. The caregiver
said he had been outside picking vegetables and became overheated. She had
given him milk with sugar in it to bring his blood sugar up from the extremely
subnormal level of 45. While I convinced mamma to come with me to my car, the
caregiver fixed daddy more sugared milk. Mamma walked slowly to my car using her
rolling walker with me carrying her oxygen cylinder. She sat in the cool car
breathing her oxygen while I ran back into the house and checked daddy’s blood
sugar again. It had risen to 85, which is still very low. He said he felt better was no longer
seeing dots before his eyes. My husband arrived and stayed with daddy while I
drove mamma to my house to get her cooled off. Thankfully, the caregiver
delivered mamma’s oxygen concentrator to my house and helped get it connected
because the cylinder had run out of oxygen. Daddy insisted that my husband climb up in the
attic to see if the AC drain pan had gotten stopped up. The drain pan was dry,
but the heat from the attic increased
the temperature in the house even more. While I hurriedly cooked supper, mamma
quietly glanced through a stack of books to choose one to read. The AC was soon
repaired at their house and she immediately wanted to go back home. However,
when daddy and my husband came to eat supper, she agreed to stay. In addition
to the meal and the now calm atmosphere around the supper table, we had many
wonderful blessings for which we thanked God.
V3 “Great is
the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. V4 One
generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty
acts. V5 They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty; and I will
meditate on your wonderful works. V6 They
will tell of the power of your awesome works; and I will proclaim your great
deeds. V7 They will celebrate your abundant goodness; and joyfully sing of your
righteousness.” Psalm 145:3-7 NIV Life
Application Study Bible
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